Beer, Cigarettes and Body Hair
I went, I drank and I klonkered...
Wala wala was a fuckin' blast! When the lead vox of the band wears a "KNNCCB" labelled tanktop you know its gonna be a fuckin' good time.
And though i spent like a hundred bucks for that 4 short hours of audiophilical bliss, it was freaking worth it.
But before i go to there... lets all have a look at an event that may usher in the end of the world or Jesus's second coming... Song in FORMAL attire!!!!

He doesn't look really happy doesn't he?

But he has such happy socks...

And heres a pic of a baboon

Before i get my ass kicked i shall keep the other pics i took hidden.
Anyways we got down to Wala Wala to catch the UnXpected band and basically sing along loudly like an ah beng in a KTV and rock our heads till our noses were free of nose dirt. There'll be more about that latter part later on... Due to my previous several experiences of being made to stand at the bar counter and get crushed by every single idiot that wanted to get to the toilet i made a sacrifice and got there one hour early to claim a table. Thankfully i did so. As despite someone's claim that weekdays would mean a more sparse crowd, they were WRONG. It was like a sardine's nightmare up there. You could turn around and be in a very intimate position with the person behind.
But damn... there were alot of good looking ladies around that night. Now don't give me that look... Fooling around is in the genetic make-up of every male on the planet. Our main job scope is to fuck around as much as possible and spread our genetic code thru the land. Yes... even the very decent ones too. It all boils down to you deciding if you're comfortable to do what you do. I'm the only idiot who is unattached and doesn't fool around. Even got asked if i was gay.... The next person who asks me that question will either get a verbal coup de grace or an ass whoopin' he will not forget anytime soon before he untangles his balls from his throat. But yes... i could not resist the urge to look that night coz there were really too many "chio bus'" as they call it.
Now why is it i always come across a situation where malays like to pick fights? When i'm at work at the bar, or if i'm out at another bar to relax... same scenario. Do they have some thing about fighting? Its not a hundred years ago where you can only settle disputes thru combat, and in those cases someone had to die. What, technically speaking, do you get out of getting into a fight? At the end of it you either land up in jail or land up in a big drain... either way i don't see any benefits from the whole thing. And please act tough with some intelligence, you don't challenge and cuss at a guy that looks like he could rip your skanky ass up with his ingrown toe nail. If you have the mentality of a lemming then its fine... but other than that you're just looking to have your face in the obituaries.
Ooooo... i made a racist remark... i'm such an asshole... No... its a personal observation, just as much as i observe how lame chinese guys can get trying to pick up women, and the fact that most of them have a tendency to be anal. I give out my fair share to everyone. Unless you are some race of Gandhians or Mothertheresians then theres definately something wrong with you that you just do not realise till someone points it out. Thats how change comes about.
Now here is someone that i haven't seen for 2 years or so...

For safety reasons i will not mention his name here. Hahahahaha... this bugger started doing all the shit that made me and song go nuts. From flicking nose dirt onto the butch sitting in front to attempting to burn the gross pink polo tee of the same butch and then flicking the ashes into the beer and making us drink it. That fucker really makes things go mad. However, being mad is not a bad thing.... You're head tends to get clear and somehow your shoulders get lighter. A wonderful thing it is to be in the realm of insanity especially when it comes to making some irritating fucktard drink up a mug of beer mixed with your cigarette ash and a cocktail of everyone's body hair. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... i hope the shit got the runs from that. Was funny too as after he drunk it down he had a strand sticking out his mouth and he had to pull it out... LOL
Ok... i shall stop here before i gross everyone out and you all get the runs too...
Heres Shirlyn from UnXpected... Rock on woman!

Can neer get a good pic of her coz she's always in motion. xp
Wala wala was a fuckin' blast! When the lead vox of the band wears a "KNNCCB" labelled tanktop you know its gonna be a fuckin' good time.
And though i spent like a hundred bucks for that 4 short hours of audiophilical bliss, it was freaking worth it.
But before i go to there... lets all have a look at an event that may usher in the end of the world or Jesus's second coming... Song in FORMAL attire!!!!

He doesn't look really happy doesn't he?

But he has such happy socks...

And heres a pic of a baboon

Before i get my ass kicked i shall keep the other pics i took hidden.
Anyways we got down to Wala Wala to catch the UnXpected band and basically sing along loudly like an ah beng in a KTV and rock our heads till our noses were free of nose dirt. There'll be more about that latter part later on... Due to my previous several experiences of being made to stand at the bar counter and get crushed by every single idiot that wanted to get to the toilet i made a sacrifice and got there one hour early to claim a table. Thankfully i did so. As despite someone's claim that weekdays would mean a more sparse crowd, they were WRONG. It was like a sardine's nightmare up there. You could turn around and be in a very intimate position with the person behind.
But damn... there were alot of good looking ladies around that night. Now don't give me that look... Fooling around is in the genetic make-up of every male on the planet. Our main job scope is to fuck around as much as possible and spread our genetic code thru the land. Yes... even the very decent ones too. It all boils down to you deciding if you're comfortable to do what you do. I'm the only idiot who is unattached and doesn't fool around. Even got asked if i was gay.... The next person who asks me that question will either get a verbal coup de grace or an ass whoopin' he will not forget anytime soon before he untangles his balls from his throat. But yes... i could not resist the urge to look that night coz there were really too many "chio bus'" as they call it.
Now why is it i always come across a situation where malays like to pick fights? When i'm at work at the bar, or if i'm out at another bar to relax... same scenario. Do they have some thing about fighting? Its not a hundred years ago where you can only settle disputes thru combat, and in those cases someone had to die. What, technically speaking, do you get out of getting into a fight? At the end of it you either land up in jail or land up in a big drain... either way i don't see any benefits from the whole thing. And please act tough with some intelligence, you don't challenge and cuss at a guy that looks like he could rip your skanky ass up with his ingrown toe nail. If you have the mentality of a lemming then its fine... but other than that you're just looking to have your face in the obituaries.
Ooooo... i made a racist remark... i'm such an asshole... No... its a personal observation, just as much as i observe how lame chinese guys can get trying to pick up women, and the fact that most of them have a tendency to be anal. I give out my fair share to everyone. Unless you are some race of Gandhians or Mothertheresians then theres definately something wrong with you that you just do not realise till someone points it out. Thats how change comes about.
Now here is someone that i haven't seen for 2 years or so...

For safety reasons i will not mention his name here. Hahahahaha... this bugger started doing all the shit that made me and song go nuts. From flicking nose dirt onto the butch sitting in front to attempting to burn the gross pink polo tee of the same butch and then flicking the ashes into the beer and making us drink it. That fucker really makes things go mad. However, being mad is not a bad thing.... You're head tends to get clear and somehow your shoulders get lighter. A wonderful thing it is to be in the realm of insanity especially when it comes to making some irritating fucktard drink up a mug of beer mixed with your cigarette ash and a cocktail of everyone's body hair. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... i hope the shit got the runs from that. Was funny too as after he drunk it down he had a strand sticking out his mouth and he had to pull it out... LOL
Ok... i shall stop here before i gross everyone out and you all get the runs too...
Heres Shirlyn from UnXpected... Rock on woman!

Can neer get a good pic of her coz she's always in motion. xp