When Drunken Monkeys Attack
First of all apologies for making someone wait for an entry that was supposed to appear LAST friday.... haha... Was seriously too tired to type...
ok... i was procrastinating.. sue me...
Anyways, it has been an eventful week. Finally cleared all my exams. Shouldn't be that great grade wise but hope to recover my GPA next term now that i have a break from my work.
Speaking of work. My injuries from last saturday are all finally healed! We cleared out Zouk last saturday once all the drunkards and homeless people finally were made to leave the premises. What is wrong with these people that do not want to leave? Don't you have a home to go to? Or do you all just live under the bridge thats next to Zouk like die hard clubbing trolls... Not to be rascist since theres been a HUGE hoo ha about rascism in blogs... but the ones that always refuse to leave are always the... ehem... other majority race that starts with M. No offense but we are a club, not a kopitiam where you can order teh tarik or some other form of hot beverage thats made by a middle aged man wearing a sarong or dhoti and wielding two large cans big enough to be considered as weapons. Since the music has stopped and the lights are all on so everyone can see your horrible faces after 10 hours of alcohol consumption, cigarette smoke and dancing like a mindless puppet, do not fucking hang around the place like its your own personal coffee shop. We are not fucking robots. And regardless on how long you stay there i will still close the bar and NOT be serving you.
Its bloody mofos like these that caused us to only be able to start chopping up the bar at 6.30am in the morning. We were supposed to start at 5am mind you. Security had to herd them out like hooligan sheep in the end despite their constant bleating and baa-ing. But do i look like i give a rat's ass that you don't want to go home? You have been having the time of your retarded life since 8pm. I have been on my feet working non-stop since 7pm. Fuck off you.
Whats the big deal about clubbing? I don't really get it. Drinking i like. But the whole dance thingy... in Phuture all i can see are people who think they can dance and people who are practically doing the horizontal lambada on the dance floor. Alot come dressed like they are regular clubbers on the hip hop scene that know their footwork. In the end, they look like spasming antelopes in heat once Andrew Chow turns on the shit. The others... well.... lets say i will not be surprised if some female gets impregnated during the midnight madness. Its like WTF sometimes... even porn flicks do not have this much pelvic action as there is on the dance floor. I walk out of the bar to get a bottle of wino from Winebar and lo and behold, at least three couples are there with the lady RAMMING her ass against the guy behind her. Not bouncing... RAMMING... The retarded guy at the back is forever with his eyes closed and the look of extreme constipation as he tries to follow her rhythmn but in the end always fail so they look like mating geese. YEech...
Well at least there are some less animalistic people there. A few customers that i've come to recognize as regulars and the occasional friends. These are the nice people with manners and actually take us bartenders to be human and not dispensing machines where you slot money in our mouths and we piss out the drinks on the spot. These people really make your day especially when they say "thanks" and you can tell from their smile that they appreciate you breaking your back for them.
Ok... i have seriously digressed... anyways back to topic, we trashed the whole of Zouk on sunday morning. Hacked, slashed and hammered everything into carrieable pieces where we lugged to the carpark. If you think it was a clean job.... EHHH... Wrong answer. I looked like i had gone thru jungle warfare training, i was covered in mud like grease and i was limping slightly due to a crushed foot from the fridge we moved from Phuture all the way down to disco. Our hands were never once clean nor were the uniforms. So it was easy to spot any slackers that had been hiding in a toilet cubicle while we were trying to break something on our bodies the whole morning.
As a reward to oursleves, we had a company chalet. Which just ended this morning. We were probably very easily recognisable as bartenders since i doubt very few people who go for chalets bring along practice bottles and start doing acrobatics with them like some stunted chinese kid.
And since we were bartenders, how could there not be alcohol?

This was after we had all toned down mind you. We had finished several bottles of spirits before that along with a few wines.
It was kinda cool, brought my PS2 over so we had a ladies unit, a family unit, an arcade unit and a 24 hour casino unit. I swear i did not see this one guy eat nor drink the whole time he was there. He just came in, plonked himself on the floor and started dealing out cards from afternoon till the wee hours of the morning... Talk about hardcore.
Then a colleague of mine brought his kid along too. All 1 1/2years of attitude. His daughter has the best facial expressions i have seen for a kid her age. Its like she can already express sarcasm and that "i'll-get-my-dad-to-beat-the-shit-out-of-you" look. HAHAHAHA...
I was trying to avoid her when ever i had to take a smoke, till then i realised that her mom was smoking there right beside her and so were the rest. I was like... thats not right.... if i have to take a smoke i try to do t AWAY from kids and people who don't so as not to poison anyone else. But my intentions here were basically... for nothing???
Kids do grow up fast... take this for example...
Testosterone Filled Tyke
And just to lighten up the moment, this video really cracked me up as i would definately love to ask a few politicans to do the same thing. Courtesy of my favourite webby The Hedonistica.
Cheney asked to do the unspeakable
WOW... would you look at this entry....
I think i'll stop here before i hammer out a novel. Anyways need to sleep... feel like i got dinged by a sledgehammer.
ok... i was procrastinating.. sue me...
Anyways, it has been an eventful week. Finally cleared all my exams. Shouldn't be that great grade wise but hope to recover my GPA next term now that i have a break from my work.
Speaking of work. My injuries from last saturday are all finally healed! We cleared out Zouk last saturday once all the drunkards and homeless people finally were made to leave the premises. What is wrong with these people that do not want to leave? Don't you have a home to go to? Or do you all just live under the bridge thats next to Zouk like die hard clubbing trolls... Not to be rascist since theres been a HUGE hoo ha about rascism in blogs... but the ones that always refuse to leave are always the... ehem... other majority race that starts with M. No offense but we are a club, not a kopitiam where you can order teh tarik or some other form of hot beverage thats made by a middle aged man wearing a sarong or dhoti and wielding two large cans big enough to be considered as weapons. Since the music has stopped and the lights are all on so everyone can see your horrible faces after 10 hours of alcohol consumption, cigarette smoke and dancing like a mindless puppet, do not fucking hang around the place like its your own personal coffee shop. We are not fucking robots. And regardless on how long you stay there i will still close the bar and NOT be serving you.
Its bloody mofos like these that caused us to only be able to start chopping up the bar at 6.30am in the morning. We were supposed to start at 5am mind you. Security had to herd them out like hooligan sheep in the end despite their constant bleating and baa-ing. But do i look like i give a rat's ass that you don't want to go home? You have been having the time of your retarded life since 8pm. I have been on my feet working non-stop since 7pm. Fuck off you.
Whats the big deal about clubbing? I don't really get it. Drinking i like. But the whole dance thingy... in Phuture all i can see are people who think they can dance and people who are practically doing the horizontal lambada on the dance floor. Alot come dressed like they are regular clubbers on the hip hop scene that know their footwork. In the end, they look like spasming antelopes in heat once Andrew Chow turns on the shit. The others... well.... lets say i will not be surprised if some female gets impregnated during the midnight madness. Its like WTF sometimes... even porn flicks do not have this much pelvic action as there is on the dance floor. I walk out of the bar to get a bottle of wino from Winebar and lo and behold, at least three couples are there with the lady RAMMING her ass against the guy behind her. Not bouncing... RAMMING... The retarded guy at the back is forever with his eyes closed and the look of extreme constipation as he tries to follow her rhythmn but in the end always fail so they look like mating geese. YEech...
Well at least there are some less animalistic people there. A few customers that i've come to recognize as regulars and the occasional friends. These are the nice people with manners and actually take us bartenders to be human and not dispensing machines where you slot money in our mouths and we piss out the drinks on the spot. These people really make your day especially when they say "thanks" and you can tell from their smile that they appreciate you breaking your back for them.
Ok... i have seriously digressed... anyways back to topic, we trashed the whole of Zouk on sunday morning. Hacked, slashed and hammered everything into carrieable pieces where we lugged to the carpark. If you think it was a clean job.... EHHH... Wrong answer. I looked like i had gone thru jungle warfare training, i was covered in mud like grease and i was limping slightly due to a crushed foot from the fridge we moved from Phuture all the way down to disco. Our hands were never once clean nor were the uniforms. So it was easy to spot any slackers that had been hiding in a toilet cubicle while we were trying to break something on our bodies the whole morning.
As a reward to oursleves, we had a company chalet. Which just ended this morning. We were probably very easily recognisable as bartenders since i doubt very few people who go for chalets bring along practice bottles and start doing acrobatics with them like some stunted chinese kid.
And since we were bartenders, how could there not be alcohol?

This was after we had all toned down mind you. We had finished several bottles of spirits before that along with a few wines.
It was kinda cool, brought my PS2 over so we had a ladies unit, a family unit, an arcade unit and a 24 hour casino unit. I swear i did not see this one guy eat nor drink the whole time he was there. He just came in, plonked himself on the floor and started dealing out cards from afternoon till the wee hours of the morning... Talk about hardcore.
Then a colleague of mine brought his kid along too. All 1 1/2years of attitude. His daughter has the best facial expressions i have seen for a kid her age. Its like she can already express sarcasm and that "i'll-get-my-dad-to-beat-the-shit-out-of-you" look. HAHAHAHA...
I was trying to avoid her when ever i had to take a smoke, till then i realised that her mom was smoking there right beside her and so were the rest. I was like... thats not right.... if i have to take a smoke i try to do t AWAY from kids and people who don't so as not to poison anyone else. But my intentions here were basically... for nothing???
Kids do grow up fast... take this for example...
Testosterone Filled Tyke
And just to lighten up the moment, this video really cracked me up as i would definately love to ask a few politicans to do the same thing. Courtesy of my favourite webby The Hedonistica.
Cheney asked to do the unspeakable
WOW... would you look at this entry....
I think i'll stop here before i hammer out a novel. Anyways need to sleep... feel like i got dinged by a sledgehammer.
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