Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Fading in the Smoke of a Barrel

Ever woken up feeling strangely out of touch with your feelings. Sorta like you're on a perpetual stoning trip save for the fact that you're perfectly fine?

This has been one of those days.

Seriously feel fucking weird. Its like i expect myself to start seeing dancing baboons in technicolor dreamcoats and pink mastadons dancing round my head in a while. But yet i feel so awake. Maybe this is what you get from inhaling cat's fart in your sleep. Garfield must've let a big one fly while i was snoring in bed last night.

If i market it as a recreational drug i wonder whether i could corner the drug industry....? It doesnt make you all goofy but you do get that high brain feeling of detachment. Hell, i dont think it kills brain cells either. AND its cheap... I could just have a cat fart farm and plug these tiny vacuums on cats' arses and collect as much of the crap as i needed and maybe refine it to give a bigger kick.

Hell... i would give that shi sha, sha sha whatever place opposite paradiz centre a run for its money... C'mon in! Take a chair snort some feline fart and watch the game! And all this during your lunch break... without the risk of getting arrested or fired from your job. You will even be spared from the clownish acts that come with getting high on drugs like photocopyin your pimply arse or trying to make out with the boss's octagenarian mother...

Ok ok... i'm getting abit sick with that last one...

Anyway, realised my pool of good friends is shrinking and my pool of casual friends is getting larger... so i have plenty of people i can hang out with but can't say shit among them and a miniscule number of people i can just be myself with.

The guys have all disappeared... Thong and the rest of the old GESS people have vanished like the hairs of Hulk Hogan's head... Song has his stuff to do... and other things i won't mention here. Stelvin has gone to Thailand... Zhen, Celia and co. have suddenly vanished too. Maybe this is the reason why this place is so little like home to me. The only person at work i can speak my mind to is not being very communicative and i realise i spend more time with my ipod than people these days.


Well... part and parcel of getting a job and a 'normal" life as my mom calls it...
At least i still have Garfield... Can't help but wonder if he can actually understand it when i ramble to him about nothing in particular and he stares back in an almost human expression of concern.

Parents were right though... I'm more fated with animals than my own kind. I guess its coz they're much simpler just like me. The persistent one refusing to get complicated with the rest of the world.


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