Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The wee shu min saga has really tickled me...

because, to be frank, I never envisioned any of the elite to look that fugly. Hahahahahahaha...

From someone coming from RJC, I expected a better argument rather than the use of spelling. Which of us never makes typos? Thats what the spell check is for moron.

The great irony in all this is that this female is on a HUMANITARIAN scholarship... thats like giving Hitler a medal for incinerating Jews as a form of "Peaceful Relocation". Note the proper use of irony in this paragraph...

However, the ugly truth in all this is that what this so called elite has said is true.
This country is crap... we all know that. Empty promises from a ruling party, huge increases in costs in comparision with tiny increments in earnings... Politicians who aren't working for the sake of the people like pioneers when we first gained experience. What HAVE they done by the way? Fill this country with immigrants that take us as a free meal ticket to go to places such as the states and europe. How do you expect anyone to stay in a country that gives priority to aliens rather than to its own native countrymen?

We're always lead to believe that we can't compare with these foreign "talents". But we are just as good or better. Look how successful we are outside of this country that takes us for failures if we don't come from schools of high reputation or have scholarships?

As for the "elite"... these are people i wouldn't trust to run a desert island with a single coconut tree. When it comes to books, yea, they can talk the talk... regurgitations of slightly altered content. But when it comes to using your head.... they would probably dismantle a flagpole to lay it on its side to measure its length.

I've had very little respect for the MPs here and the latest commentary of Mr Wee has only made it worse. You're all dependent on people like me to keep your faced stuffed, don't you try to be smug. You're not even chosen by us.... the real process can be related to what a hoover does... too bad to those who can't get the meaning. I'm not that dumb to get myself in trouble with the government.

Enough of crap... laters

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

my sacrifice

no... am not talking about various farm animals being delivered to me on altars...

its that song from Creed that always brings back memories of times with my Song and Thong in a galaxy long long ago....

we've all gone on our various roads in life... i've had an influx of new friends... its almost so hard to keep in touch with the old anymore. Yes... i am an ingrate.

But this i have to be honest, a hundred years with people like them is really too short.

On the other hand, I've been sick for 2 weeks if anyone noticed.... and i hate my job to top it off after that 3ml incident at work.

I've not been blogging for awhile as there have been too much goin on and far too little of me of proper mind to actually type it out. So why not i just start off with my familiar curse time about people that fucking bug me:

Bloody sonofafruit Indian cheebyes that like to order 2 drinks by holding up 4 fingers and requesting a calculated sum of ice in their drinks... eh.... even the fucking drink dispenser doesnt count how many ice cubes they give you... what are you gonna do? Swear at it by incanting all 1001 of your vedic deities to give you the exact amount of one or three ice cubes?

Now that i would like to see... a mangy black fellow smelling of toilet swearing in tamil at a Coke dispensing machine and then starting to roll up his dhoti and prepare a wardance infront of the piece of machinary...

Before you say i'm a bloody racist... I'll admit it... But i'm a selective racist.

I'm inclined to be biased against people who refuse to give good examples of human behaviour in definiotion to their skin color or religion. Sorry... I believe in personal freedom and i do not have to put up with you so if you ain't down with that then i only got two words for ya'.....


Which is what alot of annoying simians don't understand how to do these days. Why must everything that offends them that they are perfectly able to ignore become with them?

Listen up MOE... u need to start a module in schools... Fucking Off 101... How to just close your eyes or ignore what you don't like that isn't your business.

Take for example... that guy that was hauled to court for walking starkers in his own home... The neighbours can just close the fucking curtains. But like what the great majority of singaporeans love to do.... they leave the curtains wide open and stare at the guy knowing full well its a sight that would make your grandad do pirouttes in his grave and then complain about having to look at it.

As Phua Chu Kang mentioned.... "Use your Brain, use your brain!"

No one complains when you have all night mahjong sessions or loud karaoke in your home.... we all know you sing as well as a moose in rut but you see.... we CHOOSE to ignore. Its not soething we can't solve ourselves.... These are the people with the most common sense. The rest.... just people so anal that the govt should just stick pictures over their eyes so that they will see what they want and shut up.

Now on to the next one.... FAT people...

You say you can'thelp but be like that.... well... thats true....

But must i suffer coz you cant bring yourself to diet, excercise or stop stuffing your pie hole? You take up 2 seats on the bus or train and deprive some old person a seat... Or jolly well knowing you can't fit between two people... still wedge your bulbous blubber twined torso between the two passengers thereby ramming their shoulders into their collar bone and giving them an upclose and personal feel of your gelatinous hide and a whiff of your natural perfume.

Geez... aren't we lucky.

Put it this way... you can't help it... neither can we. So if you do wedge yourself on the train or bus again and someone beside you asks you to fucking keep your spare tire to yourself... that would be moi.

I need a gal to tame me.

if you feel up to the task you can email me.

a whip and chair maybe required on your part.