Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The wee shu min saga has really tickled me...

because, to be frank, I never envisioned any of the elite to look that fugly. Hahahahahahaha...

From someone coming from RJC, I expected a better argument rather than the use of spelling. Which of us never makes typos? Thats what the spell check is for moron.

The great irony in all this is that this female is on a HUMANITARIAN scholarship... thats like giving Hitler a medal for incinerating Jews as a form of "Peaceful Relocation". Note the proper use of irony in this paragraph...

However, the ugly truth in all this is that what this so called elite has said is true.
This country is crap... we all know that. Empty promises from a ruling party, huge increases in costs in comparision with tiny increments in earnings... Politicians who aren't working for the sake of the people like pioneers when we first gained experience. What HAVE they done by the way? Fill this country with immigrants that take us as a free meal ticket to go to places such as the states and europe. How do you expect anyone to stay in a country that gives priority to aliens rather than to its own native countrymen?

We're always lead to believe that we can't compare with these foreign "talents". But we are just as good or better. Look how successful we are outside of this country that takes us for failures if we don't come from schools of high reputation or have scholarships?

As for the "elite"... these are people i wouldn't trust to run a desert island with a single coconut tree. When it comes to books, yea, they can talk the talk... regurgitations of slightly altered content. But when it comes to using your head.... they would probably dismantle a flagpole to lay it on its side to measure its length.

I've had very little respect for the MPs here and the latest commentary of Mr Wee has only made it worse. You're all dependent on people like me to keep your faced stuffed, don't you try to be smug. You're not even chosen by us.... the real process can be related to what a hoover does... too bad to those who can't get the meaning. I'm not that dumb to get myself in trouble with the government.

Enough of crap... laters


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