Fine Again
Title of one of my fav. songs...
Just returned from work and thought thru alot of things while walking back at 5am in the morning when everything is between light and dark. Very good time to see things in perspective, trust me on this... especially when there's a good breeze blowing against you and your clothing flapping in it like some maniacal pigeon about to take off.
So far i've been hammered left, right and center and to be frank, there isn't anything i have to look forward to for tomorrow or even the next millenia. But i'm not gonna seppuku myself yet... As far as i know, i'm not ready to die just yet. Coz theres a feeling you get, that you're supposed to be somewhere else but you just don't know where. I want to figure that out. Somewhere on this spinning sphere of dung is a place that calls to me in my subconcious, I will find it. Before that dying isn't an option.
I realise i never manage to get the girl i like but always instead get stuck with someone whom i have no interest of. Is it coz i'm too soft and don't wish for the other half to get hurt and hence i keep my mouth shut and maintain Joker like grins when they ask me if it feels the same. I know how it feels to reach out for someone and get struck down just as you're about to ready sacrifice everything for that someone. It hurts BAD. But thats no excuse for me to do what i did. So i guess the probs i face now come from karma. Or just the powers that be version of a unusual ironic joke.
Told i was old fashioned... hmmm... so opening doors for ladies and not trying to break up couples is old fashioned? I dunno... always thought that was the right thing to do. Its about HONOR. Before you think of some crazed sushi chef wielding a large cleaver and screaming "Dozo!", i do not mean that samurai code thing. Its just that bit of personal integrity that you are entitled to have. Many friends tell me, if you like the girl, as long as she isn't married she's fair game. WTF? C'mon... thats just fucking wrong. Why would you break a happy couple up? So that you can take over? Its like goin over to a person's pad and slowly move in one article of furniture at a time and at the end of it all, confine the owner to live in a toilet cubicle at the back. Shit, what is wrong with people? Ok, I admit the opening doors for ladies and my carrying stuff for them is a tad 1800s... but thats kinda natural to me. If i'm walking with any girl and a door comes up, i automatically zip forward and hold the door. Scary shit... I'm possessed by the spirit of "Ol' Jaswant" the Doorman that expired while holding the door at the age of 98. Carrying stuff for a girl is just the right thing to do esp. if u see that its heavy or she's tired... to hell with women's lib... if nature intended that all women would look like chyna. Its just something right to do ya? i mean, its perfectly fine to give women a break once in awhile.
Now please do not ask me if i have gay tendencies... I will slaughter you and mount your sorry ass hide upon my living room wall and hang your right leg over my com. I'm very straight thank you very much. I just think differently from othe guys. I'm slightly homophobic to be frank. Which means i start to search for an offensive weapon when some gay is in the vicinity. No offense. If you're not gonna try to come on to me like a sick puppy who sees all standing objects as a bitch's arse then i'm well and fine with you. Try some of that funny shit and i'll bitch slap you like shiva and send you in a DHL Jumbo box and ship you to where the nanook roam.
Before i end off... lets have a look at the most scary shit you will see...

hahaha... its me! Please don't tell me i'm KISS... i will slap you so hard you would think i'm your mama.
Just returned from work and thought thru alot of things while walking back at 5am in the morning when everything is between light and dark. Very good time to see things in perspective, trust me on this... especially when there's a good breeze blowing against you and your clothing flapping in it like some maniacal pigeon about to take off.
So far i've been hammered left, right and center and to be frank, there isn't anything i have to look forward to for tomorrow or even the next millenia. But i'm not gonna seppuku myself yet... As far as i know, i'm not ready to die just yet. Coz theres a feeling you get, that you're supposed to be somewhere else but you just don't know where. I want to figure that out. Somewhere on this spinning sphere of dung is a place that calls to me in my subconcious, I will find it. Before that dying isn't an option.
I realise i never manage to get the girl i like but always instead get stuck with someone whom i have no interest of. Is it coz i'm too soft and don't wish for the other half to get hurt and hence i keep my mouth shut and maintain Joker like grins when they ask me if it feels the same. I know how it feels to reach out for someone and get struck down just as you're about to ready sacrifice everything for that someone. It hurts BAD. But thats no excuse for me to do what i did. So i guess the probs i face now come from karma. Or just the powers that be version of a unusual ironic joke.
Told i was old fashioned... hmmm... so opening doors for ladies and not trying to break up couples is old fashioned? I dunno... always thought that was the right thing to do. Its about HONOR. Before you think of some crazed sushi chef wielding a large cleaver and screaming "Dozo!", i do not mean that samurai code thing. Its just that bit of personal integrity that you are entitled to have. Many friends tell me, if you like the girl, as long as she isn't married she's fair game. WTF? C'mon... thats just fucking wrong. Why would you break a happy couple up? So that you can take over? Its like goin over to a person's pad and slowly move in one article of furniture at a time and at the end of it all, confine the owner to live in a toilet cubicle at the back. Shit, what is wrong with people? Ok, I admit the opening doors for ladies and my carrying stuff for them is a tad 1800s... but thats kinda natural to me. If i'm walking with any girl and a door comes up, i automatically zip forward and hold the door. Scary shit... I'm possessed by the spirit of "Ol' Jaswant" the Doorman that expired while holding the door at the age of 98. Carrying stuff for a girl is just the right thing to do esp. if u see that its heavy or she's tired... to hell with women's lib... if nature intended that all women would look like chyna. Its just something right to do ya? i mean, its perfectly fine to give women a break once in awhile.
Now please do not ask me if i have gay tendencies... I will slaughter you and mount your sorry ass hide upon my living room wall and hang your right leg over my com. I'm very straight thank you very much. I just think differently from othe guys. I'm slightly homophobic to be frank. Which means i start to search for an offensive weapon when some gay is in the vicinity. No offense. If you're not gonna try to come on to me like a sick puppy who sees all standing objects as a bitch's arse then i'm well and fine with you. Try some of that funny shit and i'll bitch slap you like shiva and send you in a DHL Jumbo box and ship you to where the nanook roam.
Before i end off... lets have a look at the most scary shit you will see...

hahaha... its me! Please don't tell me i'm KISS... i will slap you so hard you would think i'm your mama.
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