Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Flowers Bloom Early In May

The title for this entry was from some gibberish i spouted last saturday. Just in case you were wondering.

Getting down to business.... I don't know if i've been played like a sock muppet by fate or if some hungry ghost is screwing things up for me coz i happened to fling a piece of trash unintentionally at it and is now on my back like an invisible monkey. I finally can start to complete the dying project of mine and wouldn't you know... an integral part of the formula is missing and my classmate gave me the wrong one so i'm now twiddling my thumbs and wishing for the spirit of Einstein to possess me and complete the crap for me in like 30 seconds.

On the other hand, theres this lady i met at work which i can't seem to decide if i like her or not... Well.. . we've been texting each other practically everyday for nearly two weeks now. We talked for four hours when we went for coffee after work and she calls me sweet stuff like Dear and Hon. However, she can't seem to talk to me in public or among the other co-workers. Shy? I have no idea... And just when things look so bright for me and my friends who are reading this drivel start to do "the Wave" and prepare to permanently burn the hair folicles off my scalp with their knuckles there is a Donkey Kong sized monkey wrench thrown into the works. You see, she gets all hot and cold... One moment there tellin me she's there if i need to talk whenever i need it and even bought for me barley water when she heard i had a fever she also starts to run when i get close at times.

So whats up? i have entirely NO idea... Its like a tennis game and i'm the furry green dyed baboon testicle thats being whanged around the court. I would get better chances knowing whats goin on if i spun a wheel and see where it stopped. She's a nice gal don't get me wrong, and i have the urge to take her up in my arms and protect her from whatever scum the earth has to offer when she tells me her issues. But i have no idea whats she thinking and i could just maybe be hallucinating from excess cat fur inhalation.

Next on the list, before i can start doing the Irish jig of Freedom i have recieved news that the next round of exams are coming in another three weeks or so... Yippee Ka Yay... Its like getting on your horse just to notice that its Bessie the Demented Dairy Cow. I might do better flinging boots at baboons and hoping that they put them on and start whistling John Denver. That made no sense whatever but i'll keep it... its been awhile since i said something like that spontaneously. I have no idea how i'm goin to get thru this round of exams... hitting the knees nightly in hope my workplace will shut down for renovations earlier so i can at least study at night.

Watched my favourite movie of all time today... The Crow! When i watch that i feel one with the darkness of the world and the feeling is surprisingly comforting. I even have an idea for a painting. The world is getting darker admit it... and i rather blend in with the true dark than that of mankind's man made one. We as a species will not last for another millenia that i can guarantee... i doubt i will even be able to live out the entirity of my natural life without being slain in some apocalyptic event. Which brings me to why i love The Crow. I have always wanted to be an "undead". Its not the power but the fact that you're a step out of the world. the rules don't apply to you anymore, in theory you're free. And well... as everyone is, i don't wish to die.

No matter what crap someone says everyone fears death. Its the thought of what happens after you die. I don't want to die cause death to me is the blanking out of conciousness. The end of thought of everything... like an old tv you just go blank, not even static. Others think of Hell... yes... the place we you go when you've been naughty... to experience how the extra crispy chicken at KFC feels and to be tormented by baboons with wings and flesh eating crickets. I don't get it... Supposedly if you believe you won't go there so why fear death? I figured they would take joy in dying... Afterall you're goin to heaven... place of eternal singing and clouds as far as the eye can see... not to be mistaken for a particular asian capital. What do i know?

Ok... time to get back to the grind... till next time...


Blogger The Science Of IoS said...

Should i be flattered that someone posted some spam about a company that hacks down trees?
Could POSSIBLY mean this blog of mine is quite popular.

But in the ever immortal words.... WTF??????

6:44 AM  

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